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173 Long Beach Dub Allstars

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

Today we chat with Opie Ortiz and Ras MG of Long Beach Dub Allstars! To listen, click here:

On this episode we chat with Opie Ortiz and Marshall Goodman aka Ras MG from the Long Beach Dub Allstars! Opie and Ras MG are part of the original line up from the iconic punk/ska/reggae band Sublime. On this episode we chat about their origins with Sublime, the history of their band the Long Beach Dub Allstars and how their pedigrees are connected. We also talk about their song writing and production process and what's in store for the future of their band and their music!

On the Web:

Social Media: @longbeachduballstars To listen to our archive, click here:

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Adrian Eustaquio is the host and producer of "Inside the Desert Oasis Room" a podcast and vlog recorded from "the field" or in his home tiki space of the same name. He  is a long time Tiki enthusiast, active member in the Tiki community and avid supporter of the current Tiki revival.


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